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- Section 11: Priest Spells:
- As with mage spells, all PCs start with the first three levels of priest spells, and some only work within a certain range.
- Level 1:
- Minor Bless: Makes the character harder to hit and take less damage from blows. It
- also makes the PC hit more often, and his or her blows do more damage. Its
- effects decay with time.
- Minor Heal: Increases the health of the selected PC a small amount, up to the PCs
- maximum health.
- Weaken Poison: Reduces the amount of poison running around in the veins of the
- selected PC.
- Turn Undead: (R 8) When cast on an undead creature, it usually does a reasonable
- amount of damage to it. It has no effect on non-undead.
- Location: Returns the party’s x-y location in the town.
- Sanctuary: The target of this spell becomes magically shielded. For a time, monsters
- probably won't be able to attack him/her. The effects disappears when the PC
- attacks someone.
- Symbiosis: This spell has the caster absorb the damage taken by another character.
- The higher the caster’s level, the less damage the caster takes per health point
- healed.
- Minor Manna: Casting this spell gives the party a little more food.
- Ritual - Sanctify: When cast on a location filled with evil magic, the location
- receives a blessing. This might drive out the evil magic. Then again, it might not.
- Stumble: The victim of this spell moves slower and has worse attacks for a short
- time.
- Level 2:
- Bless: Like Minor Bless, but better. Its effect increases with the level of the caster.
- Cure Poison: Like Weaken Poison, but better. Its effect increases with the level of
- the caster.
- Curse: (R 10) The opposite of bless. It makes everything work much worse for the
- victim, for a time.
- Light: Gives a short, reasonable quality magical light source.
- Wound: (R 5) Deals a painful blow to the targeted victim. The damage increases
- with your level.
- Summon Spirit - This spell summons a shade from the netherworld to aid you. It
- will disappear after a short time.
- Move Mountains - When cast on a fragile wall or outcropping of rock, the wall or
- outcropping crumbles into rubble. It doesn't work on all walls.
- Charm Foe: (R 6) This spell has a chance of making the target monster start to fight
- for the party. The chance of it working drops sharply with the level of the monster.
- Disease: The victim of this spell is afflicted by a disease, which slowly weakens it.
- The disease lasts a long time.
- Dispel Field: This spell dispels all magic walls in the target space. It does not affect
- barriers. It sometimes affects quickfire.
- Level 3:
- Heal: A much better version of Minor Heal.
- Minor Heal All: Casts one minor heal on each PC.
- Holy Scourge: (R 8) This spell gives the victim a powerful curse, the effect of
- which increases with the level of the caster.
- Detect Life: This spell causes all other living things to appear on your map for a
- short time. Note, however, that this spell only detects creatures in areas you have
- explored.
- Repel: (R 10) Makes the victim very afraid. With luck, it will flee.
- Manna: This spell magically creates a lot of food for the party.
- Forcefield: (R 8) This spell fills an area with walls of force, which are fairly
- damaging and reasonably long lasting.
- Cure Disease: Casting this spell on a PC cures all his/her disease.
- Restore Mind: This spell completely undumbfounds the recipient.
- Smite: (R 8) This spell fires a number of bolts of divinely inspired cold, the
- number of which increases with the level of the caster. To cast without using all the
- targets, hit space.
- Level 4:
- Cure All Poison: Causes everyone to become less poisoned. Useful for dealing with
- those nasty swamps.
- Curse All: (R 10) Causes all monsters within ten spaces to receive a powerful
- curse.
- Dispel Undead: (R 8) Deals a deadly blow to the targeted undead nasty. Chance of
- having effect increases with level.
- Remove Curse: Occasionally, you will put on an item which then refuses to be taken
- off. Casting this spell has a chance of removing the curse.
- Sticks to Snakes: This spell summons a bunch of snakes to aid the party. Skillful
- casters have a chance of getting asps instead of the weaker giant snakes.
- Martyr's Shield: When something strikes the recipient of this spell in hand-to-hand
- combat, it takes as much damage as the victim. The duration of this spell
- increases with the level of the caster.
- Cleanse: This spell purifies the recipient. The beneficiary is completely unwebbed,
- and all disease is cured.
- Firewalk: When cast, for a short time everyone in the party can walk across lava
- with no damage. The duration increases slowly with the level of the caster.
- Level 5:
- Bless Party: Much like Bless, but affects everyone.
- Major Heal: Works like the Heal spell, but gives much more bang for the spell
- points.
- Raise Dead: This spell returns a dead character to life. However, you need to have
- Resurrection Balm for the spell to work, and there is a small chance (decreasing
- with your level) that it turns the corpse to dust. A dusted character can only be
- revived with a Resurrect spell.
- Flamestrike: (R 9) The first good offensive priest spell. It chars all beings
- adjacent to the space you target. The damage done increases with level.
- Mass Sanctuary: This spell hides all PCs (like a sanctuary spell). As before, the
- effect for a PC is voided when that PC attacks.
- Summon Host: This powerful spell summons four spirits, and a magical being to lead
- them. They then fight on the side of the caster for a little while.
- Shatter: This spell strikes every space adjacent to the party with a Move Mountains
- spell.
- Dispel Fields: All magical walls, etc. in the large area affected by this spell will be
- dispelled. It has a small chance of affecting quickfire.
- Level 6:
- Heal All: Like the Heal spell, but affects the whole party. Very efficient.
- Revive: This spell heals all damage and cures all poison for one PC.
- Ravage Enemy: (R 10) This spell works similarly to the spell of the same name for
- mages, but you select one target and it has a very intense bad effect.
- Destone: Certain rare monsters can turn one of your characters to stone. This
- valuable spell undoes the damage.
- Summon Guardian: This spell summons a powerful, invisible being to fight on the
- side of the party. Be careful not to damage it by mistake!
- Mass Charm: When cast, all creatures within eight spaces of the caster have a chance
- of coming under his/her control.
- Protective Circle: A very unusual and effective spell for a party on the defensive.
- The caster is surrounded by several layers of magical fields, which fend off anyone
- attacking.
- Pestilence: This spell afflicts everyone within eight spaces with an effective but
- slow-acting disease.
- Level 7:
- Revive All: When cast, the party receives a powerful healing (increasing with level
- of the caster) and has poison cured as well.
- Ravage Spirit: (R 4) Demons have a nasty tendency to resist any spells you throw at
- them. This spell gives them a blow which, most of the time, does a lot of damage.
- The chance of success increases with the level of the caster.
- Resurrect: Like raise dead, but much more effective, and works on even a dusted
- character. It still requires Resurrection Balm to cast.
- Divine Thud: (R 12) The most powerful offensive priest spell. It delivers a
- stunning blow of force to all beings within two spaces of the targeted space.
- Avatar: This spell temporarily makes the caster an invulnerable, incredibly
- powerful avatar of the gods.
- Wall of Blades: (R 10) This spell creates a wall of the most damaging (and long
- lasting) of the magic walls. Rotate the wall by hitting space.
- Word of Recall: This spell returns the party to Fort Ganrick, where you began the
- game. Because of the danger of teleporting from narrow, windy tunnels, it can only
- be cast outdoors.
- Major Cleansing: This spell removes all webs and disease from the party.